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Entries in energy (16)


Whispering words to your soul

poetry of the body

As yoga speaks the poetry of your body, words speak the poetry of your soul. Yoga and words complement each together. Any type of activity can also be a way of living your yoga.

there are no mistakes

No stranger to a community of poets and those who like to verbally relay their words to others? Many have a vibrant and active lifestyle to go along with this love of words.  

Like the wind off a clear blue lake blows its answers to the mountains, take time to whisper the secrets to your heart. Listen to every touch with your sacred ears. Sit with the words as they write themselves. There are no mistakes. It is all yours. You write it to share, so that you can touch something other than the normal, regular you. 

As you move the prana in your body, and work through the chakras, you experience your purpose in the moment. Through your desires, your energy and your heart, you will most likely find the soulful words whispering to you gently. 

continue moving

Continue moving and you eventually can surrender to that which you've activated, feeling it clear out all that gets in the way of knowing your true intuitions and spirit connection.

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Receive your gift in silence

what is your intention?

We go to yoga class. We start the class by making an intention. Then what?

Do we hold true to its energy every second of the class? No. We tuck it away in our heart and let it speak its own words to our soul.

be patient for the prana to do its work

For, the energy of a wish comes from within us and can hardly hide its wings when we are allowing the prana to circulate as we move our bodies in twists and waves.

What we feel comes from within. Before the words even articulate themselves to our being, we know what it is we are trying to say.

sometimes no words

Sometimes we are silenced. Sometimes this is a blessing. In this inability to find words, our soul is telling us to go deeper. Look into the still pond of your being. Do not always rely on words. Look to the swirling space that doesn't want to hear your words and give it your thanks.

There is more to living.



© 2010 Yoga Robin®


Do follow my heart that lives in silence

i cherish when my mind is still

I cherish the point in my yoga practice where I no longer have to tell myself:

"O my mind, you talk too much. Do follow my heart that lives in silence." ~ Sri Chinmoy

Then I am free. It's like shooting stars have just gone off to remind me I am here in this sacred space... 

When I’ve reached this place, I no longer know that I had a goal to get here in the first place.

It is then that I am able to truly see and feel the transpersonal. It is in the stillness that it all comes to me as the primary channel of my experience, making the most sense to me in an energetic form that cannot be described in words. 

ineffable feelings find expression

The ineffable feeling gets articulated within me, from a heartfelt space, in a poetic form. I have been given a gift with this mode of expression. It is what flows through my veins

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An inquiry into my true nature: Self exploration

life force fuels

On my jaunt through life I have contemplated the truth of my nature. I have always felt most comfortable knowing that there is an ultimate source permeating us all, and at times I have felt a unity with this source. At other times I have felt completely alone. It was my yoga—vinyasa flow, ashtanga & meditation, in particular—that saved me from this quandary and answered many questions for me.

My search, through poetic expression, led me to this present moment as I move into my desires to use their creativity and life force to fuel me.

Taken as an excerpt from my poem yoga, what you do for me, I speak to you, yoga, inside me as you are me: You help me find my pure state of mind, you help me change energy into fuel, you help me find the deepest parts of myself without fear, you help me believe in magic and you taught me how I can do whatever I put my mind to.

In studying the histories of Sankhya-Yoga, Advaita Vedanta and Participatory Spirituality I have found inspirations from each to aid me on my path.


Although Sankhya and Yoga are different systems, they work together and support each other so have been combined together as one unique system called Sankhya-Yoga.

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Finding truth

Where are we from?

I see the universal truth like a tiny speck of sand that I can collect in a treasure box. I can cherish the treasure like my own life. When I crave the truth I can open it up and select the most valuable grain. The truth is sand and we are all part of it. Each of us has a part of the truth. We are all parts of a whole.

This idea is freeing. I can feel this freedom easily if I go for a long walk on the beach on a sunny day and pay attention to how each grain of sand reflects the sunlight and can be like stars, and how people can be those stars. With this knowledge, how can I worry about being alone? It is not possible. I am the first and the infinity. To imagine this is unbelievable in ways. When I evolve, the world evolves with me. Looking up into the sky knowing this, I feel such an incredible presence.

Yoga has helped me find my self

To express this most precious part of myself I have turned to my yoga practice. It has led me on my path, as I surrender to all of the answers in my body. Spiritual and psychological meaning is trapped in my body until I move it. It is through the movement during the yoga asanas that I have been able to find truth

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The sacred in everyday life

I follow my fire

The poetic fire in my heart will undoubtedly lead the way as I feel my way through life guided by its sacred energy.

I am an eater of the "poisonous leaves of the plant" (John Welwood) in order to truly feel, and then become immune, as I invite intense situations to exacerbate them in order to see my boundaries. In doing so, it unlocks the vitality contained in the poisons—that which can help me maintain my connection with the earth, my passion, and everyday life.

Unlock the poisons

In other words, I go straight into the fire. Ideally, I see my path in life as an ineffable river that simply flows as I follow my instincts, moving my body and mind as if I am escorted as a puppet on a Divine string.

I see the sacred everywhere

I feel this sacred subtle presence moving through me in many facets of life. It is inherent in the elemental composition of my body, in my Hatha yoga practice, in my angelically guided path, in my connections to other beings, in my connections to myself and in my connections the Divine itself where I feel deep love in my heart.

I speak internally to this reality as “you”, knowing that although I move within the boundaries of different covering of layers, they are all one. I experience a vibrant warmth when knowing overcomes me and I can feel that it is actually sacred and much larger than myself, and I feel as if I am without a buffer between myself and my true nature.

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Making the perfect yoga music playlist for a dynamic yoga practice

Music and yoga paired

For making the best yoga playlist, from my experience it's all about the chakras—the energy centers located along the spine and in the head connected by channels which funnel energy throughout the body...

During a phenomenal yoga practice your mind, body, heart and soul move through the whole chakra spectrum, ideally starting at chakra 1 and progressing upward to chakra 7. Therefore, it creates a moving and dynamic yoga practice to have the music emulate this journey.

For a 90 minute practice, or I prefer a 108 minute practice...

Chakra 1) is about being grounded and survival mode. It's at the base of your spine. It's all about plugging your feet in the earth and allowing the grounding force to connect us to the energies that empower our being. Chose one song that is tribal in nature like drums or Tibetan.

Chakra 2) is about sexuality and creativity. Its focus is in the lower abdomen. It's about feeling that inner craving and sexuality within yourself and transforming it to inner fuel. Chose a couple songs that stir this part of your nature.

Chakra 3) is about momentum, getting moving, making things happen, and feeding our self-esteem. Its focus is in the solar plexus—below the ribcage. Chose fast songs that make you really want to move. You will remain in this chakra for longer than the prior two so, chose 3-4 songs.

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Yoga, what you do for me: A poem

poetic reality of yoga

you help me find my pure state of mind
you help me burn away layers of chatter with my fire
you help me fill gaps in ways that i can't get filled by anything
you help me stop fighting with myself within
you help me change energy into fuel
you help me open my eyes to see myself honestly
you help me witness patterns so they melt
you help stir the dust inside me
you help me open my heart
you help my mind become more fertile so it grows like grass
you help bring me to another plane of existence
you help me transform time
you help me float, fly, breathe under water in my imagination
you help me take a stand against my inhibitions
you help me find ...

the deepest parts of myself without fear...

you help me love my body

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