mind-body healing
image © Robin Ellen Lucas
For over ten years now I’ve been writing about my experiences with yoga, mind-body awareness, philosophies and especially the physical and psychological healing associated with yoga. Putting it into words has opened my eyes, as yoga and writing are successful complements in releasing me from darkness, one chakra at a time. Yoga creates the elation I've searched for but also the opposite as it unfolds, and acts as a catalyst to facing the truths held inside the tightest body parts as they rise to the surface and beg for attention. I help my yoga clients discover what happens after yoga class: where do the toxins and emotions go?
As a writer focused on the healing arts, I am a natural complement to western medicine practitioners who are open to alternative medicine and wellness, desperately needing my knowledge infiltrated into their own. I’m a health & wellness coach, helping people find themselves when they get lost or in need of inspiration. I know how easy it is to escape by sinking into being too busy to take care of the important person: you.
I maintain several collections as editor on Medium (medium.com/@relcopywriting) for fun. I publish articles and others submit their work on these topics: "Speak to me", "When it’s too much", "Yoga Humor", "Just breathe...{om}", "Behind your secret eyes", "Yoga and Psyche".
-->> I'll be publishing a book soon about the authentic healing found in a dedicated Ashtanga yoga practice, infused with poetry and firsthand stories.
a lifelong creative outlet
My knack for writing began as a young girl. In 2005 I started to publish my poetry and creative writing on the Internet, always personal and sensitive.
It was my yoga practice that released my vulnerability about doing so and allowed me to find the healthy emotional release found in creative expression.
Words are sometimes a secret or take the place of an unspeakable moment. Allusions create memory and develop into spaces only dreamers can occupy.
I express the deeper sides of my own life’s experiences with double entendre, allowing each reader to have his/her own experience, finding the poet within, lending ambiguity to multiple meanings. Aside from my poetry website, I also share this secret side of myself on Rebelle Society under trademarked pseudo name, My Secret Innuendo®.