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Lymphatic System, Immune System and Creativity

Entries in subtle body (1)


Creativity and intuition

Where the subtle body is concerned, I feel intuitive and creative while in tune with this system. The Lymphatic System has a watery nature, which relates to intuition (and I’m a Pisces). The sixth chakra (Third Eye Chakra) is known to reside in the Lympathic System.

Stay intuitive and real

Third Eye Chakra is intuition. When this chakra is out of balance, my intuition is off; if it’s blocked, my intuition won’t work, but if too dominant, my intuition will be in the forefront not allowing me to be considerate to life’s realities and universe’s intentions for my life.

When I am emotionally imbalanced, it’s because I do not trust—cannot see with my inner eye (location of sixth chakra). If I cannot trust my intuition, I cannot clear out the mind toxins with my yoga practice.

Trust yourself and your healing powers

If I cannot get past the first yoga sutra, complete cessation of the mind, I cannot find my true self (Sattva). If I cannot find my spirit and am not present, I’m not able to experience all of the benefits of my yoga practice. As a result I cannot see with my intuition. A full circle. The sixth chakra is known to be circularly connected to the second chakra which is creativity. (Source: Wheels of Life, Anodea Judith)

Now it is obvious why I intuitively pair creativity with the Lymphatic System. Connected to my intuition through the subtle body, I'm indirectly connected to my energy center of creativity. Activating the lymph system, to send toxins through to filtration and then to my bloodstream, is a lot of work. Some of the toxins being filtrated are the inaccurate emotional stories and mental patterns (i.e., Samskaras).

It's the work I do in yoga—pure focus with long even breaths to calm me and ignite my intuition and clarity—setting my creative heart up for magic. Backbends in yoga are not just about the back, but about the front opening up, enlivening a somatic sensation. It's when this subtle channel is thriving that I feel the best about myself. It's different than the heart feeling open with love. It's a personal power and beauty, an asset to cherish. It's my life force.

There is a reason for the specific Ashtanga sequences in Mysore-style yoga. The ability to follow the sequence shows discipline which is important on the yogic path (and any goal in life). Its effect on the Lymphatic System are a good example, as it keeps getting better and better.